Stop comparing yourself to others

No second monitor? No problem

Happy November! 💃🏼 It’s about to be a busy month, so I’m relaxing before diving in. It seems counterintuitive, but we do some of our best work when we prioritize resting instead of working nonstop. This idea is from Naval Ravikant, who says “the right way to work is like a lion, instead of grazing like a cow.” If you can, schedule time to recharge between projects so you can then pounce at full force. 🦁

No Second Monitor? No Problem!

What does your ideal office setup look like? 💭

Maybe it includes a fancy ergonomic chair or a desk crafted from the finest birch timber. Or maybe a walking pad so you can tread ten miles in a single workday like this incredible woman did. 

I’m willing to bet a second monitor would also make the cut in your dream office setup. 👀

A second monitor can be a game changer for us Excel users. It means you…

  • No longer need to switch screens every two seconds, saving you time. 

  • Can edit one part of your workbook while viewing another (fab for complex data!). 

  • Boost productivity by an average of 42%, according to a study by Jon Peddie Research. 

“Lovely, but I don’t have multiple monitors!” you might be thinking. Turns out you don’t need ‘em!

Time to learn how to set up a dual monitor. This Excel tip shattered the internet (with 1.5M + views 🤯) and shows you how to split and position your workbook on one screen. 

Here’s how! 

Step 1️⃣: Duplicate your screen by pressing Alt + W + N. 

Step 2️⃣: Arrange your screen by pressing Alt + W + A + O (the letter). 

Step 3️⃣: Now your worksheet is split on the same screen. And when you update one, the other automatically updates too!

This tip is a lifesaver for my data or financial analysts, who often deal with huge workbooks. They can reference one part of their data (for example, number of items sold) while typing into another (such as the price or purchase date). 

Although this tip might not get you the perfect monitor, it’s a step in the right direction. 😅

Do you have an Excel tip or question you’d like to share? Drop me a line! I’d love to hear from you.

When You Compare Yourself to Someone

You’re scrolling through Instagram when you see someone post that they’re moving to a dreamy European city (hint: it has croissants 🥐). 

Is your gut reaction to be inspired by their achievement? Or does your stomach drop as you think, “Why can’t I be as talented as they are?” 

It’s normal to worry about how we weigh up to others—comparison is a natural behavior that once helped us live in cohesive groups and learn from one another. 

But that instinct toward self-comparison isn’t as useful today. It doesn’t help that social media exacerbates this urge with a massive highlight reel in the palm of our hand. 

When I started using social media to grow Miss Excel, it was easy to get sucked into this low-vibrational energy. I’d see people crushing it while my project was in its infancy. 

But during this time, I was also diving deep and doing the inner work.

Through meditation, journaling, and shadow work, I began embracing myself. This resulted in a massive confidence shift, and my mindset flipped:  

“Why can’t it be me?” ➡️ “It’s inspiring to watch what I could become.” 

I had leaped from Comparison Land and arrived at Inspiration World. Here, people’s achievements didn’t bum me out. Instead, they lit me on fire. 🔥

The bridge was self-esteem. By establishing that you’re capable and deserving of success, you’ll see others less as competition and more as a signal of what’s possible.

One way I practice this is by determining how I relate to the other person. 

👩‍🏫 Do they also love teaching others? 

🤳 Have they also been posting on social media for a few years? 

✨ Are they also a big fan of all things manifestation and visualization? 

By finding common ground, you’ll notice there isn’t a huge difference between you and them. And if they did it, why can’t you? 

While comparison is a human impulse we can’t ever fully turn off, we can mitigate its intensity by embracing our unique gifts. When we do, we’ll enter a headspace brimming with optimism instead of self-doubt.

You’re too smart to waste time on mindless, manual tasks

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Unblock your creativity with Air. Get started today.

  • Are you about to quit your job? 👀 Then you might wanna save this Outlook tip. 

  • If you’re a remote worker, check out Portugal’s new digital nomad visa!

  • How do you live a “rich life?” Financial educator Ramit Sethi explains in this podcast.

  • Instagram is no longer splitting 60-second stories into 15-second segments (great news for all content creators). 📽

  • Loved this bite-sized (yet powerful) career advice for young people by George Mack. 

According to The Nudge, one of the best ways to win someone over is to find something you like about that person. 

It could be their earrings, nose, or accent. Identifying something you like about the person will subconsciously make them feel respected and comfortable. 

You don’t even have to bring up your compliment—just the act of scanning is powerful enough! 

Stay Excelent,
