Why you *shouldn't* take some advice

Plus: Clean up your spreadsheets with this trick

Hey there! Last week, I went on the HR Besties podcast. The very first question they asked me was: “What’s the cringiest thing you can do in Excel?” My answer: When someone opens their spreadsheet and says: “Let me get my calculator.”

Guys…Excel is a built-in calculator. 😅 And if they get a pen and paper to do the calculations manually? Don’t even get me started. 

What’s the cringiest thing you’ve seen someone do in Excel? 👀

Too Much White Space in Excel? Try Angled Headers. 

Look at this spreadsheet. It seems fine, but…there’s something off about it. Can you put your finger on it?

That’s right: There’s too much white space around the numbers. What if you could revamp your spreadsheet so it looks like this instead? 👇

Much better! To get this effect, you’re going to need to use something called angled headers

(⚠️ Warning: Side effects after learning this trick include more professional-looking spreadsheets and a boost in your Excel confidence). 

Here’s how it’s done!

Step 1) Highlight the header row.

Step 2) Go to Home. Navigate to Orientation and select Angle Counterclockwise

Step 3) Double-click to adjust the row and column size and you’re all set! 

Don’t Take Everyone’s Advice 

“Kat, it’s never going to pan out. The corporate route is safer.” 

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this when building Miss Excel in 2020, I would’ve had enough money to quit my 9–5 right there and then. 🙃 

But if I’d listened, Miss Excel never would’ve become a seven-figure business. Thankfully, a wonderful friend taught me the value of being super selective when it comes to taking advice:

“When someone gives you advice, ask yourself if you’d trade places with them in that area.” 

Most people who told me to stay at my 9–5 had corporate jobs and never tried to build a business. But did I want to stay in corporate life?  


So, I started seeking out mentors with professional lives I admired: They were running online businesses, managing teams, working remotely, and collaborating with global brands. And when they gave me advice, best believe your girl was taking notes.  

This rule of thumb is for everyone—not just entrepreneurs: 

A recruiter tells you to apply for a job. ➜ Ask yourself if you’d want the lives of those higher up on their corporate ladder. 

You’re unhappy in your role, but your friend says you should stay. ➜ Consider: Are they happy in their job?

Your parents think your side hustle is a waste of time. ➜ Do you want to follow the same professional path as your parents?

Ultimately, your goals are a destination. Some advice will point you in the right direction. Others will put you on the roundabout path—or derail you from your goal altogether. But by listening to those who’ve already made the journey, you’re bound to get to where you want to be. Promise.🚶‍♀️

  • Four easy Excel data cleaning hacks your boss would want you to know

  • Seven OutLook tips that will bring your inbox to a new level

  • Did you know Microsoft has a whole database of Excel templates (totally free!)? 

  • “This is amazing!” reads a comment under my video on calculating ages in Excel. 

  • In this episode of HR Besties, I share how I built Miss Excel, my top Excel do’s (and don’t’s!) and so much more.  

Here’s a little Thursday motivation for you to end the week strong: 

You make your own luck if you stay at it long enough.

Naval Ravinkant

Now go out there and do the dang thing!

Stay Excelent, 
