How I leverage social media for my career

Plus: Pivot tip for the lazy analyst

Hey there! Get ready…because I’m sharing my top time-saving tricks for Pivot Tables and Data Analysis in my upcoming free live Excel class

However, I do have to list some side effects from attending… ⚠️

  • Leave work early after saving hours in your day 

  • Get new nicknames such as “Excel Ninja” or “Spreadsheet Samurai” from your co-workers and boss

  • Land your dream job or promotion  

There are just three class options available: *

  • Wednesday, July 10 at 3 PM ET 

  • Thursday, July 11 at 12 PM ET 

  • Friday, July 12 at 12 PM ET 

* If none of those dates work for you, you can register for any date to get the replay!

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Pivot Table Tip for the Lazy Analyst 

As we countdown the free live Excel class, here’s a Pivot Table tip to get you amped up (perfect for my lazy analysts 🥱). 

Let’s start with this table of data for a baking business: 

This is useful to have, but…it’s not telling the story of the data in a meaningful way (e.g. Which product made the most revenue? What year was the most profitable?). 

That’s when Recommended Pivot Tables come in. 

Excel will suggest potential Pivot Tables based on your data to help bring it to life. Let’s see it in action: 

Step 1) Go to Insert > Recommended Pivot Tables 

Step 2) Scroll through until you find the perfect table for you. 

In our case, we’ll use Sum of Revenue by Product to identify which baked goods generated the most gross revenue and to calculate our total revenue.  

Step 3) Press Ok 

That’s it! This is just the beginning of how powerful (and simple) Pivot Tables can be. To unlock its full potential, be sure to sign up for my free live Excel class.  

How I Leverage Social Media for My Career (Without Spiraling) 

I wouldn’t have my career as Miss Excel without social media. Full stop. Social media helped me learn from experts and find opportunities I never would’ve known existed. 

But learning how to use social media as a productive tool (and not a destructive distraction) was no easy skill. 

Same, Kim.

If you’re thinking, “So how did you do it?!” I got you. These are the two mindset shifts that completely transformed the way I use social: 

1) Become Aware 

The first step to redefining your relationship with social media? Recognizing that it’s literally designed to keep you scrolling for as long as possible. 

When I feel myself falling into the scrolling rabbit hole, I ask myself: 

“Is this going to help advance my career and goals?” 

99% of the time the answer is “No.” By contrasting social media companies’ intentions with your own, you can make better decisions about how you spend your time.

  • For Example ➜ You’ve realize you’ve been watching Reels from a career content creator for the past 37 minutes…and it clicks that just watching Reels (what Instagram wants you to do) isn’t what moves the needle: It’s applying the knowledge you gain from it that does. 

2) See People as Expanders > Competitors 

Do you compare yourself to people you see on social? Congratulations! 🎉 That’s totally normal. 

If I see a post that triggers self-comparison, I challenge myself to find at least one thing I have in common with the person who posted. 

When I see myself in that person, I can start to see my potential in them, too.  It’s the difference between seeing them as an expander (“If they can do it, I can too!”) over a competitor (“I’m nothing like them, I could never reach that success.”). 

  • For Example ➜ You’re jealous after seeing a friend’s promotion on LinkedIn…until you realize you both had the same major in college. Inspired by their success, you reach out—opening the door to rekindle a potentially valuable connection. 

Social media is what you make of it. It can transform your professional life…or get in your way. The good news is that you’re in control of the outcome. 💫

Thanks for being here! A heads up that I won’t be in your inbox next Thursday as it’ll be July 4th! Your girl will be spending time with family in Lake George to celebrate—but I’ll see you the week after! 

Stay Exceling,
