Celebrate your screw-ups 💁

And how to calculate percentages in Excel

Hey! In last week’s newsletter I asked, “What’s your worst Excel advice?” and some of your responses were scary good. Here are some honorable mentions:

  • “CSV files are super reliable”

  • “The more tabs open, the better”

  • “Your boss won’t mind if you send them a file named ‘Sheet 1’”

I’ll let this GIF sum up how I feel about you doing any of these things 😅

Calculate Percentages in Excel

Are you still calculating percentages like this? 👇

If so, I’ve got a little-known Excel tip for calculating percentages that’ll make your life much easier. I posted a video on this and one person commented, “I swear as soon as I start feeling good about Excel, someone shows me I know nothing.” LOL. I am here to help!

Step 1) Highlight the numbers you want to do a percentage of and select the “Quick Analysis” pop-up.

Step 2) Navigate to the “Totals” tab.

Step 3) Scroll all the way to the right and select the next-to-last option to add “Percent Total” in another column.

There you have it. Now you’re one step closer to mastering Excel 😎 (and it only took two minutes to learn!).

Celebrating Your Screw Ups

So, you messed up.

Maybe you accidentally deleted your company’s confidential files (calling myself out here 🫠). Maybe you got fired. Or maybe during your HBO Max internship, you sent a rogue email to a sizable portion of the customer base (true story).

Whatever it was, failure is almost never a warm and fuzzy feeling. The last thing you want to do is crawl out from under your rock to celebrate. But trust me—there’s value in honoring your screw-ups.

My perspective on this shifted when I learned how Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, approaches her failures.

She said, “My dad used to encourage my brother and me to fail growing up. He would ask us at the dinner table, ‘What did you fail at this week?’ And if I didn’t have something to tell him, he’d be disappointed…failure became about not trying, versus the outcome.”

That’s when I realized: Failure means you went for it—and that’s worth celebrating.

After all, if you knew that accomplishing [insert dream here] would require at least 99 failures, wouldn’t each one inspire you?

And hey—this doesn’t mean failure won’t sting (it most certainly did when someone corrected my Excel presentation live in 2018). Instead, this is just a reminder that a screw-up is not a setback.

Because here’s the truth: The journey to reaching your goal isn’t all up and to the right. It’s more like a spiral upwards full of wins and losses, where each failure and success compounds.

And as long as you’re moving forward—failures and all!—that’s what counts.

*This is sponsored advertising content.

If you type “doc.new” into your browser, Google Docs will automatically create a new document for you in seconds. 😌 Who doesn’t love a shortcut?!

Stay Excelent,
