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  • Can you build a business without self-care? 🛀

Can you build a business without self-care? 🛀

And why Excel wipes out your leading zeros...

Hi there! Picture this: It’s 2024, and you finally feel confident in your Excel abilities. There’s zero spreadsheet anxiety. No more #REF messages. And your boss is super impressed with you (rumor is, they want to give you a raise 👀). 

This—or at least, something like this—can be your reality after you take my free Excel masterclass! In one hour, you’ll learn how to master data cleaning and leverage new Excel functions—AKA be well on your way to becoming an Excel wizard. đŸȘ„

Here are the dates: 

  • December 13 at 3 PM EST 

  • December 15 at 12 PM EST 

  • December 15 at 3 PM EST 

Sign up right here. I’m so excited to see you there! 

Can’t attend live? No worries! When you register, you’ll get access to a 48-hour replay.

Excel Erasing Your Zeros? Do This. 

Ah, Excel wiping out your leading zeros. Chances are, you’ve encountered this pain in the 🍑 upon inserting an invoice or transaction number that begins with zeros
only for Excel to automatically remove them.

Ugh. But, Excel is just doing what it was “programmed” to do—it’s automatically set up to convert data this way. Luckily, there’s a simple way to deprogram it. Let me show you how! 

1. Navigate to your ribbon and select “File,” then under “More,” click on “Options.” 

2. Under “Data,” uncheck “Remove leading zeros and convert to a number”. 

3. Voila! Your beloved zeros will never disappear again. 

P.S. If your version of Excel doesn’t have this option, try this method. It uses apostrophes to get those zeros to stay put (and is super easy to do!). 

The Biggest Limiting Belief in Business 

In 2022, I had a life-changing realization: The more time I took for myself, the more my business grew. At first, this made zero sense: Wasn’t I supposed to be working 14-hour days, never taking time off, and putting my own needs at the bottom of my to-do list?

Yet each time I prioritized myself and my happiness, the company flourished: 

  • ➜ Taking time to meditate led to dozens of course and content ideas. 

  • ➜ Traveling for pleasure helped me return to the business with renewed energy and a fresh mindset.  

  • ➜ Grabbing lunch with friends lowered my stress levels so I could handle anything.

Post meditation (And suddenly full of ideas for marketing materials đŸ€”)

This realization was mind boggling to me. It went against a common limiting belief in entrepreneurship: The secret to success is overworking. This mindset—which is the basis of hustle culture—glamorizes “the grind” while shaming rest and leisure. 

But in my experience, success only came when I found a balance of both; when I put my personal needs first, I was better equipped to pour resources into work. 

For entrepreneurs, this is especially true: Your business is an extension of you—your energy, knowledge, and creativity. If the business is a house, you are its foundation. And without a strong foundation, the house gets
wobbly. 😅

So, it’s time for a mindset shift. Here’s what that looks like in practice: 

✖ “I want to meditate, but I should use that hour to write emails instead.”

✔ “Meditating will help me approach those emails with more clarity and patience.” 

Entrepreneurship is hard (if it wasn’t, everyone would be doing it!), and that’s exactly why entrepreneurs require self-care. There’s no reason to feel guilty for taking the time to work on yourself, because it is part of your success.

Now if you don’t mind, your girl is off to spend some time meditating—and I’d encourage you to do the same). đŸ€

  • Microsoft Loop just dropped: Manage your projects and co-worker conversations all while staying in your working flow. 🌀

  • Can you really manifest your dream life? Hush Podcast investigates. 

  • Calling all Google Calendar aficionados! Here are 16 tips to master it from the inside out. 

  • A much-needed reminder about your career if you’ve been stressed lately.

Pep Talk: You just survived the post-Thanksgiving slump, and are now thisÂ đŸ€ much closer to the holiday break. Keep going! 

Stay Exceling,
