3 tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Let’s get translating

Hey, you! I recently saw this TikTok about the “Bold Feb” challenge. Throughout February, you act ridiculously bold—you ask that person out, go to that concert alone, demand that raise, etc. And one way to help accomplish that last one? By brushing up on valuable Excel skills. 😎 I’m hosting free Excel classes from February 17th to 19th if you’re ready to level up (and yes, we’ll be covering XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP!).

Mental Fatigue From Translating? Google Sheets Can Help

You might deal with foreign languages in your workbook for all sorts of reasons: maybe your coworkers live in another country or your inventory is shipped in from overseas, for example.

It can be mentally fatiguing to translate the text in your head (or time-consuming if you’re more of a Google Translate person—or if you slept through AP French).

Google Sheets is one step ahead of you. They have a function specifically for translating text—and you can figure it out faster than you can say “Pivot Table” en Español.

Let’s get into it!

Step One: Type the function =GOOGLETRANSLATE into your desired cell.

Step Two: Type in the cell you’d like to translate. In our case, we’d go with A2. Then insert your source language (the language you have) to the target language (the language you want).

In this example, that’s English (En) to Spanish (Es). The formula is now =GOOGLETRANSLATE(A2, “En”, “Es”)

💡 Tip: To find the abbreviations for the language you’re looking for, go to this list!

Step Three: Close your formula, hit enter and copy down!

Whether you’re studying a new language, planning a future vacation abroad, or working with an international team, the scenarios in which this function can help are endless. If you’re curious to see this tip in action, here it is (with two other mind-blowing Google Sheet hacks)!

3 Tips For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

So, you’re flirting with the idea of doing your own thing.

This is super exciting and I’m here to cheer you on! 📣 As someone who built a company from scratch, I can relate to that cocktail of nerves, excitement, and doubts you’re sippin’ on right now.

If you Google “how to be an entrepreneur,” a good chunk of the internet’s advice will have you to first focus on the quantifiable. The metrics. The followers. The strategy.

But here’s a secret: I scaled Miss Excel to seven figures without tracking any of that.

The professional growth happened because I first focused on my personal growth. That’s why my advice for kickstarting your entrepreneurial journey will be a little different. 🏃‍♀️

1️⃣ Do the inner work. The thing that’s going to make you a successful entrepreneur isn’t necessarily a “great product.” It’s you.

Before building anything, clear limiting beliefs so you don’t get in your own way. Because if you don’t believe you’re capable of getting what you want, it’ll be 10x harder to achieve.

2️⃣ Find your purpose. Instead of pursuing “what the market needs,” ask yourself: What could I joyously share with the world? 

If you create a business centered on what lights you up, it’ll radiate contagious and unique energy—increasing your chances of getting noticed.

3️⃣ Embrace messy action. You’ll never be “ready.” I remember my first training video for a side hustle I picked up was on Google Workspace, which I wasn’t super familiar with. I hesitated but decided to trust myself (a result of clearing my limiting beliefs!) and eventually figured it out. As Richard Branson once said, “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure how to do it, say yes—then learn how to do it later.” You might not execute it perfectly, but done is better than perfect.

So embrace personal growth over quantifiable metrics. Your business can only thrive if you do too. 🌱

Here are two questions to begin and end your day.

☀️ What Can I Experiment With Today? → Encourages you to switch up your routine and try new things.

🌑 What Did I Learn? → Promotes curiosity and a growth mindset.

Stay Excelent,
